Citizen’s Guide to Health Care Reform – 2nd Edition

The book’s first edition uncovered a broken health care system that could now be sustained. This second edition updates the ways the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is taking effect. The ACA is providing health care for millions who were previously uninsured — saving tens of thousands of lives each year. Our nation’s annual health care cost increase is not less than 1% — the lowest in 58 years of keeping records — as contrasted with the 6.8% average increase for the prior 20 years. A morality of “the common good” is replacing the old “pay or die” system.
Bob McCan articulates the goals of the Affordable Care Act with compelling clarity. The second edition chronicles how the ACA is moving America toward quality health care for every citizen while controlling costs. It’s working!
James Moran
Congressman (D-VA)